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CHECK-IN Practice Wisdom

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Event description

Join VMIAC's CHECK-IN Team as we share the practice wisdom we have gained in co-creating and delivering a peer support program over the past three years.

CHECK-IN began in 2020 in response to the Victorian COVID lockdowns and offered peer-based connection, support, and skill-building for people with lived experiences of emotional distress. The program provided a space to connect with others and build the skills, knowledge, and confidence to undertake self-advocacy within the community. This project has influenced the mental health sector and shifted VMIAC's way of working and we want to share what we have learned with our community.

This event will reflect on the successes and challenges of co-creating and delivering the CHECK-IN project. We will provide insights into how we offered individual and group peer support, share our personal experiences, and talk about the data from our most recent evaluation of the program. There will also be time to ask any sector-specific questions.

Please note, Interpreters are not available for this meeting. However, Live Captioning will be made available.

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